BREAKING: Second Accused in Luke Fleurs Murder Case Found to be Residing in South Africa Illegally


Fernando Siva, the second accused in the murder case of Kaizer Chiefs player Luke Fleurs, has been revealed to be residing in South Africa illegally. The court confirmed that Siva’s temporary permit expired in 2020, indicating his unlawful presence in the country.

The revelation of Siva’s immigration status adds another layer of complexity to the ongoing murder case. It raises questions regarding how Siva was able to remain in South Africa beyond the expiration of his permit and what implications this may have on his legal standing.The murder of Luke Fleurs, a promising football player, shocked the nation, and the subsequent investigation has been closely followed by the public.

The revelation about Siva’s immigration status may have implications for the overall handling of the case, including potential consequences for his legal rights and the subsequent legal proceedings.It is important to note that the immigration status of an accused person can have legal ramifications but should not overshadow the primary focus of the case: the investigation and pursuit of justice for the crime committed.

Authorities will likely address Siva’s immigration status and determine the appropriate course of action based on South African immigration laws. The court and relevant authorities should ensure that all aspects of the case, including Siva’s immigration status, are handled in accordance with the law and in the pursuit of justice.

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