Mom Posts Heartbreaking Before-and-After Photos Of Her Dying 4-Year-Old Son


Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare form of soft tissue cancer, was the cause of death for Nolan Scully, affectionately known by his mother as Sargent Rollin’ Nolan Scully, who went away in February. He was only four years old at the time.

When Nolan was first diagnosed with cancer in 2015, he relied on his mother to make him feel comfortable. He did not like to be out of her sight or grasp, which is understandable given that he successfully endured radiation therapy, open chest and brain surgery, and an interminable amount of anguish throughout his two-year battle with the disease. Nolan, on the other hand, was a shining example of optimism right up until the very end of everything.

After two months had passed after Nolan’s passing, Ruth Scully shared a heartbreaking message on Facebook in which she provided the world with a window into the boy’s final days. The dying of Nolan “shined with how amazing [he] is,” as Scully put it in his writing. This was a miraculous and heartbreaking occasion. A cursory reading of Nolan’s narrative demonstrates that the young kid spent his life with compassion, hope, and the most profound type of love for his mother throughout his entire life.Just four weeks after having chest surgery, Scully brought her kid back to the hospital after he had gone days without eating or drinking and had been vomiting throughout the entire process. She wrote, “I knew there was something else wrong,” and she was right. “I think he did too.”

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When Scully sat down with his entire team of doctors at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, she saw the pain in Nolan’s oncologist’s eyes. This occurred after the scans that Nolan had undergone had been returned. Once they reached that point, there was nothing else they could do for her son. Moving forward, the strategy would be to ensure that he is comfortable enough to let go of the situation.

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